by Tom Donaldson | Nov 28, 2020 | Coaching, Leadership, Management, Personal Growth
Do You Have a Team or a Workgroup? Over 23 years at Microsoft, I experienced a lot of “teams” both as an individual contributor and as a manager. Looking back over those experiences, I realize that some of those teams were not actually teams, but functioned as...
by Tom Donaldson | Feb 18, 2020 | Change Management, Coaching, Management
Are You Ready for the Boomer-to-Millennial Hand-off? In case you haven’t noticed, we Boomers (Generation “Baby Boom”) are beginning to age out of leadership. Our oldest members, born in 1946, are coming up on 74 this year and are probably retired from careers, even if...
by Tom Donaldson | Dec 19, 2019 | Coaching, Collaboration, Teamwork
The Genius of Generational Diversity In May of 1992, I joined Microsoft Corporation in the Customer Service and Support division and began a great career that continued for over 20 years. There were 45 of us who started on that same day here in Las Colinas (Dallas)...
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