Three Weeks into the New Year
Now, 20 years later, that experience is in the rearview mirror. Unchanged is the somewhat arbitrary, but naturally cyclical impact of a new year, new goals, new challenges, and new opportunities. Here are a few things I am noticing about myself in this season.
1) It’s later than it’s ever been before. This may be more troubling for
2) Take stock of your network. And by “network” I mean that unique mix of friends, neighbors, coworkers, family members, and teammates. Where do you need to deepen a relationship? Where can you learn from each other, support someone, introduce someone, re-think your opinion of someone? It’s a connected world, and just because someone has moved out of town or sits in front of a screen in another time zone, you can still form an alliance or take that person more seriously. Last week I asked a group gathered around a table, “Who is on your ‘personal board of directors?’ It was amazing to hear about the go-to persons in the lives of that group.
3) Essentialism and Minimalism may be worth a shot. Minimalism has to do with learning to thrive with fewer “things” and distractions in our lives. My friend Jake Melton has published a succinct little book entitled Minimalize to Maximize Your Happiness: Cut the Crap. He starts with the home and covers a lot of ground, including your workplace and team space. You can also view his presentation on YouTube here. I learned the term essentialism a few years back from Greg McKeown’s groundbreaking book, Essentialism – The Disciplined Pursuit of Less. Greg’s premise is that we delude ourselves by thinking we can “do it all.” We let people assign us more tasks, and we consider it a badge of honor to be “crazy-busy.” In contrast, we should have a default answer of “no” to offers of engagement in things that are good, worthwhile, and even honorable. Why? Because we cannot afford to add something to our short list of (two or three) essential activities, responsibilities, or deliverables to which we are committed. Think about it…
In closing, I will mention that I have been able to conclude a couple of my “essential” items, but now must face the challenge of prioritizing and clarifying my list of Essentials for 2020. That process is unfinished here in the 3rd week of the new year, and it’s time to make the final cut!